NASCAR Winner's Circle Zoom Interviews
Chase Doggett In Memorium
TAGT 2020 Online Conference.
A series of customizable Welcome Videos for dental offices.
Quick interview with Johan Sarkinen for UT Dallas.
An interview asking about Dr. Matt Bonderant"s best-selling book, Wettest County in the World.
Shot all around Wrigley and made a generic Cubs template for Chicago area clients.
Station ID for Tap"s Gameday channel that ran realtime XML stats, news and clips.
Susan Briante reads Denver Economy from her latest publication.
UT Dallas bumper animation, or logo treatment, shot at the break of dawn on the UTD campus.
Chicago Mustangs are an adult league footabll team that advertised on Tap.
Veteran"s Day template BG.

nu•men /‘numin, ‘nyu–/ • Latin • a nod of the head